Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Mesh bumpers
The mesh bump is designed for installation in high-pressure apparatuses (oil and gas separators, scrubbers, columns, gas drying absorbers), where there is a need to clean the carried liquid from the steam or gas stream.
Mesh filters
The mesh filter is used at oil metering units for the purpose of cleaning from mechanical impurities of crude and commercial oil, water and other liquids in conditions of explosive zones of premises of all classes and outdoor installations of class B-1g, where explosive mixtures of combustible gases and vapors with air of categories II-A, II-B and T1 groups can form, T2, TK, T4, T5 and T6.

Drop traps
It is a component product of heat and mass transfer devices and gas-liquid separators used in the oil and gas and oil refining industries, as well as in other technologies for separating air and gas with liquids, cleaning flue gases and gas emissions, as well as in the aviation industry (Tank equipment for aviation fuel: design and equipment features).
MODELS: KS-430, KSU-430, KSUL-430

Magnetic filters
With the formation of scale and corrosion in pipelines under the influence of non-aggressive liquid media, the inner diameter of the pipe decreases, which means that the flowability of the working medium in the pipeline worsens. To avoid this, a magnetic flanged filter with a nominal passage diameter of 150 mm is used.

Mesh filters
Liquid mesh filters are designed for installation on suction lines of dosing pumps, installations and units for cleaning from mechanical impurities of pumped liquids.

Gas filters
Gas filters are designed to protect and purify pumping and other equipment from the ingress of solid particles of natural gas according to GOST 5542-87, as well as air, nitrogen and other non-aggressive gases through pipelines at the operating temperature of the gas being cleaned from minus 40 ° C to plus 70 ° C.

Drain filters
Drain filters are designed for rough cleaning from mechanical impurities of petroleum products drained into the tanks of oil depots and gas stations.
Fuel oil filters
Fuel oil filters are designed for highly efficient cleaning of high-viscosity heating oil from solid residues of oil fractions and mechanical impurities and they are installed in the fuel oil treatment system at power plants, boiler rooms and other production schemes.

Corner filters
Corner filters are designed for preliminary cleaning from mechanical impurities of petroleum products.

Filters are direct
Direct filters are designed for pre-purification of petroleum products and are installed on the process pipelines of gas stations and oil depots.

Liquid Filters
FZHU filters are designed specifically for filtering petroleum products from all types of mechanical contaminants. They are capable of working with liquids with a kinematic viscosity from 0.55 to 300 mm2/s. The fineness of cleaning in this case can vary from 5 to 1000 microns.
MODELS: FJU 25/1,6, 40/1,6, 65/1,6, 80/1,6, 100/1,6, 150/1,6

Horizontal mud trucks
The sumpers of the thermal points of the GTR (subscriber) are designed for high-quality filtration and purification of water from various suspended particles of large and medium dimensions in the heat supply system, heating points, metering units, etc. Sumpers of thermal points of the TS-569 series, as a rule, are used in heating systems, boiler rooms, building entry points, thermal points.

Mesh sleeve
The bag mesh is designed to finally purify natural and associated petroleum gas, as well as gaseous substances from liquid media (water, hydrate inhibitor, condensate).




All AVRORA-NEFT products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant AVRORA-NEFT: tanks and components, oil loading equipment
  • Heating of petroleum products AVRORA-NEFT
    Heating of petroleum products
    K3 BER-12, etc.
  • Gas equipment AVRORA-NEFT
    Gas equipment
    SNP-1, SVG.M et al .
  • Measuring equipment AVRORA-NEFT
    Measuring equipment
    SOZHU-1-P, SDK-01, UPN-100, etc.
  • Level sensors AVRORA-NEFT
    Level sensors
    DVU, DNU-1, DNU-2, etc.
  • Capacitive devices AVRORA-NEFT
    Capacitive devices
    SEE, VEE, VCE, PCC, KP, etc.
  • Pipe fittings AVRORA-NEFT
    Pipe fittings
    ZK-20, EV-20, ZM-6, ZK-6, etc.
  • Pumping equipment AVRORA-NEFT
    Pumping equipment
    ENP-100, NMSH-32, NMSH-80, NK, etc.
  • Filters AVRORA-NEFT
    FB, KS-430, KSU-430, KSUL-430, etc.
  • Standers AVRORA-NEFT
    SR-250, URU-250, etc.
  • Service platforms AVRORA-NEFT
    Service platforms
    PO, MP, MPU-0.7, etc.
  • Captures  AVRORA-NEFT
    ZK-20, EV-20, ZM-6, ZK-6, etc.
  • Pumping installations AVRORA-NEFT
    Pumping installations
    SDK-03, SDK-01, etc.
  • Filling nodes AVRORA-NEFT
    Filling nodes
    UN-80FE, UN-80F, FSS, etc.
  • Fire-fighting equipment AVRORA-NEFT
    Fire-fighting equipment
    UNVP, PU, ZVN, SP, etc.
  • Draining and filling devices AVRORA-NEFT
    Draining and filling devices
    KDN-50, KMU-150, KDN50-UHL, etc.
    CSG, RVS, RVSP, RVSS, etc.
  • Pontoons AVRORA-NEFT
    BPA , etc .
  • Hatches AVRORA-NEFT
    LZ, LS, LSHP-500, LL, etc.
  • Branch pipes AVRORA-NEFT
    Branch pipes
    PPR, PM, PZ, PZL, etc.
  • Management mechanisms AVRORA-NEFT
    Management mechanisms
    HP, EH-700, movie, etc.
  • Acceptance devices AVRORA-NEFT
    Acceptance devices
    PRU, M-250, TPSP, TP, etc.
  • Fan nozzles AVRORA-NEFT
    Fan nozzles
    SV-1200, 1200V, 1200G, 1200M, etc.
  • Samplers AVRORA-NEFT
    PSUR, PSR, PSPRP, PSPR-1, etc.
  • Respiratory valves AVRORA-NEFT
    Respiratory valves
    KDS 1500, KDM 150, SMDK, etc.


AVRORA-NEFT Oil and Gas Equipment Plant (Saratov)- a successful, dynamic company with high production, technological and human resources potential. The company is engaged in the design, production and sale of mounted tank equipment for the oil, gas, petrochemical, and energy industries.

    The presence of its own design and technology department, where the design and manufacture of equipment is carried out. All products are certified and have permits for use by Rostechnadzor.

    The 17-year history of the company's successful existence allows us to maintain high rates of development in the industrial market. The company's managers offer individual conditions for each client.

    The Aurora-Neft company produces products of consistently high quality thanks to the long-term experience of the company's employees and continuous quality control at all stages of production.

Information Board AVRORA-NEFT

Learn more about our products AVRORA-NEFT.
  • Questionnaire for respiratory valves в магазине АВРОРА-НЕФТЬ
    Questionnaire for respiratory valves
  • Questionnaire for PRU devices из каталога АВРОРА-НЕФТЬ
    Questionnaire for PRU devices
  • Questionnaire for lifting pipes производства АВРОРА-НЕФТЬ
    Questionnaire for lifting pipes
  • Questionnaire for UNM measuring complexes поставщика АВРОРА-НЕФТЬ
    Questionnaire for UNM measuring complexes
  • Questionnaire for installations for accounting and pumping of petroleum products UPN марки АВРОРА-НЕФТЬ
    Questionnaire for installations for accounting and pumping of petroleum products UPN
  • Questionnaire for filters производства АВРОРА-НЕФТЬ
    Questionnaire for filters
  • Questionnaire for the PSPR sampler бренда АВРОРА-НЕФТЬ
    Questionnaire for the PSPR sampler
  • Questionnaire for fan nozzles  марки АВРОРА-НЕФТЬ
    Questionnaire for fan nozzles
  • Questionnaire for the SPPK block поставщика АВРОРА-НЕФТЬ
    Questionnaire for the SPPK block
  • Questionnaire for the SPPC valve завода АВРОРА-НЕФТЬ
    Questionnaire for the SPPC valve
  • Questionnaire for the chemical dosing unit поставщика АВРОРА-НЕФТЬ
    Questionnaire for the chemical dosing unit
  • AURORA-NEFT equipment catalog производства АВРОРА-НЕФТЬ
    AURORA-NEFT equipment catalog


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