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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the AVRORA-NEFT factory.

Export of Products

Export of AVRORA-NEFT products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All AVRORA-NEFT products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant AVRORA-NEFT: tanks and components, oil loading equipment
  • Heating of petroleum products AVRORA-NEFT
    Heating of petroleum products
    K3 BER-12, etc.
  • Gas equipment AVRORA-NEFT
    Gas equipment
    SNP-1, SVG.M et al .
  • Measuring equipment AVRORA-NEFT
    Measuring equipment
    SOZHU-1-P, SDK-01, UPN-100, etc.
  • Level sensors AVRORA-NEFT
    Level sensors
    DVU, DNU-1, DNU-2, etc.
  • Capacitive devices AVRORA-NEFT
    Capacitive devices
    SEE, VEE, VCE, PCC, KP, etc.
  • Pipe fittings AVRORA-NEFT
    Pipe fittings
    ZK-20, EV-20, ZM-6, ZK-6, etc.
  • Pumping equipment AVRORA-NEFT
    Pumping equipment
    ENP-100, NMSH-32, NMSH-80, NK, etc.
  • Filters AVRORA-NEFT
    FB, KS-430, KSU-430, KSUL-430, etc.
  • Standers AVRORA-NEFT
    SR-250, URU-250, etc.
  • Service platforms AVRORA-NEFT
    Service platforms
    PO, MP, MPU-0.7, etc.
  • Captures  AVRORA-NEFT
    ZK-20, EV-20, ZM-6, ZK-6, etc.
  • Pumping installations AVRORA-NEFT
    Pumping installations
    SDK-03, SDK-01, etc.
  • Filling nodes AVRORA-NEFT
    Filling nodes
    UN-80FE, UN-80F, FSS, etc.
  • Fire-fighting equipment AVRORA-NEFT
    Fire-fighting equipment
    UNVP, PU, ZVN, SP, etc.
  • Draining and filling devices AVRORA-NEFT
    Draining and filling devices
    KDN-50, KMU-150, KDN50-UHL, etc.
    CSG, RVS, RVSP, RVSS, etc.
  • Pontoons AVRORA-NEFT
    BPA , etc .
  • Hatches AVRORA-NEFT
    LZ, LS, LSHP-500, LL, etc.
  • Branch pipes AVRORA-NEFT
    Branch pipes
    PPR, PM, PZ, PZL, etc.
  • Management mechanisms AVRORA-NEFT
    Management mechanisms
    HP, EH-700, movie, etc.
  • Acceptance devices AVRORA-NEFT
    Acceptance devices
    PRU, M-250, TPSP, TP, etc.
  • Fan nozzles AVRORA-NEFT
    Fan nozzles
    SV-1200, 1200V, 1200G, 1200M, etc.
  • Samplers AVRORA-NEFT
    PSUR, PSR, PSPRP, PSPR-1, etc.
  • Respiratory valves AVRORA-NEFT
    Respiratory valves
    KDS 1500, KDM 150, SMDK, etc.


For sales and support please contact